Toby is the ruler of Tobytopia, the owner of the HATA minecraft server, as well as an ekto notorious for various sniki operations.
Toby's Base
Toby lives in Tobytopia.
His base was once secret, but then everyone found it.
Inheritance Incident
Please see: Inheritance Incident
Period of Presumed Death
Leaving on 2023-06-29 and returning on 2023-07-26, Toby left the server to its own devices and decided to go to summer camp or something like that.
Due to his prolonged absence, Toby was presumed dead by many of the members of HATA.
People frequently visited his base and took items as part of their inheritance. One notable example of this is how Remy, during the Boxing Matchbox War, snuck off to Tobytopia to acquire a full set of netherite armour in order to combat Holden and Anna. The netherite armour was not returned, and, in fact, Remy continued to wear it after the war was over, and was forced to continue using it after he fell into the void while attempting to extend the leaf bridge to Toby's enderender and lost the set of netherite armour gifted to him by Arvi.
Condemnation by the United Nations
During Toby's presumed death, the United Nations officially passed their first resolution: Resolution 1: Regarding Toby's Exodus, which most notably "Condemn[ed] the actions of Toby, the Ultimate Kaiser of Doom Three Thousand of the Tobytopian Empire, as baseless, cringeworthy, and sus."
This resolution was signed by six separate nations:
- Billzoplace, represented by Bill
- Remy Republic, represented by Remy
- Korolarachi, represented by bill the Allay
- Neville, represented by Anna
- Tobytopia, represented by Holden
- Holdentopia, Incorporated, represented by Holden
There was an attempt to mail this resolution to Toby while he was at camp, but Holden failed to provide the address, so this plan failed to come to fruition.