HATArail, also known as HATA Railways, is the branch of Remy Republic Transit that operates a passenger rail subway service network across various locations in HATA 1.
The network is made up of four lines, though all are unfinished and only two are operational at time of writing (2024-04-28).
- The Remy Republic Line: No to New Mangrovia, via Scammington and Sheapland
- The International Line: Sheapland to Tobytopia, via Billzoplace
- The Peace Line: New Mangrovia to United Nations Headquarters, via HATA 1 Spawn
- The Hawainot Line: Scammington to Hawainot West, via Hawainot East
Early Days
Though originally planned to operate exclusively within the Remy Republic, Billzoplace applied to have a station built in Billzoplace City. Additionally, the Remy Republic and Billzoplace agreed to build Sheapland Station, midway between the station in Billzoplace and the rest of the network. As part of the deal, Billzoplace accordingly agreed to provide the Remy Republic with numerous materials to help HATArail build many of its stations. This kind geesture by Billzo was acknowledged when HATArail officially agreed to award Billzoplace 20% of the company. Harka Oolahspitsheep finalized the negotiations in late September 2024.
"Thu vyu? Shu voke!" Campaign
Billzoplace created the "Thu vyu? Shu voke!" campaign whose efforts aim to reduce crime in the public transit network.
(poster to be added)
The Line to Tobytown
Tobytopia would later also apply to be connected to the subway network and have a station built in Tobytown, but negotiations regarding the details of the station have been slow due to Tobytopia’s strict border control. Toby has asserted that Tobytopia's cautious approach to becoming part of the network is partially because of fears of Remyan criminals entering Tobytopia via the subway.