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The Voices


    • Published 2023-05-01
    • Updated 2024-10-27

The Voices are an invisible entity that manifests as voices in the heads of certain people while they are playing on the HATA server.

Remy, the Glorious Leader of the Remy Republic, was the first member known to have interactions with these Voices, but other members, including Toby, and characters such as Harry Toothbrush have also been observed apparently speaking with or being influenced by an unseen entity.

The study of the Voices is sometimes referred to as voicelore, and scientists that study voicelore may be called vocologists.



Although collectively, they are often colloquially referred to as the Voices, many vocologists, based on observations of people ostensibly "talking to the Voices", believe that the Voices are not necessarily a single entity. People observed during their interactions with the Voices do not always act the same way while talking to the Voices.

Though different vocologists have slightly different lists, most agree that that among the Voices, some of the Voices with the most prominent and distinct personalities include

  • The Laughs
  • The Hornies

The terminology for these "personalities" is somewhat hazy. The current consensus among vocologists is that these personalities are separate Voices, though other vocologists may consider them to be different "branches" of the single entity of the Voices.

The Laughs

The Laughs, first mentioned 2023-04-23, are one of the most famous Voices, most frequently interacting with Remy and Harry Toothbrush. The Laughs have frequently been interviewed and apparently quoted in news articles reporting on major events, such as when Tobytopia was overthrown by Doctor Zomboss.

The Laughs has the most public facing persona of all the Voices, and much is therefore known about them, compared to the other Voices. The Laughs are known to love watching Tom and Jerry and are reportedly good friends with Harry Toothbrush. They would frequently watch television together in the Arvi Tower before it burned down.

The Hornies

The Hornies, first mentioned 2024-10-26, are believed to most frequently interact with Toby.


The scientific consensus among the voicelore community is that the Voices are purely noncorporeal and cannot be sensed or interacted with in the physical world.

Despite the consensus, some fringe vocologists and folk beliefs maintain that the Voices can have a physical form, though there is much variation in the exact manner of manifestation.


The most accepted of the fringe theories, as well as a common belief, especially in the folk traditions of Remyans and Billzoplacians, is that the Voices can gain a physical form by possessing people to make them do their bidding.

Netherrack Incident

In one particular instance which some point to as evidence of the Voices' ability to possess people, Remy started noticing that netherrack keeps appearing behind him whenever he opens chests, crafting tables, or furnaces.

It is suspected that the placer of these netherrack blocks is, in fact, the Voices themselves, messing with Remy. Remy was, at the time, urged to pay no attention to these strange activities because the Voices are only real if you make them real.

Remy was extremely disturbed by these occurences, believing them to be caused by some sort of incorporeal beings, such as ghosts. In order to prevent this from happening again in the future, Remy decided to put up a Ghostbusters poster up on his wall. This may have been effective, as the netherrack incident appears not to have recurred since.

As Toby was one of the only other people online at the time, many Remyans believe that this was actually Toby's doing while he was being possessed by the Voices.

Wheat Shrine Misprints

Some people, especially residents of No, use the Voices to explain the mysterious workings of the Wheat Sacrifice Shrine. Citing the unexplained ability of the shrine, when given the name of a character to revive, to return misprints — characters that have never existed in HATA — when the name is misspelled or mispronounced, subscribers to this theory say that misprints are actually puppets or manifestations of the Voices placed in the body of a villager. Some say that the Voices operate the Wheat Sacrifice Shrine as a way to sneak agents of chaos into the physical world while masquerading as normal characters and hiding in plain sight.


It is difficult to ascertain exactly how much influence the Voices have on the progression of the HATA plot or the integrity of its timeline and canon. Some vocologists believe that the Voices are merely an emergent phenomenon arising from the free will of the characters of HATA, rather than an autonomous entity per se, and that any influence that may be attributed to the Voices should really be attributed to the free will of the actors in HATA. Other vocologists believe that the Voices have influence that may extend far further and deeper than can be practically observed through experimental observation. The dominant consensus in the field of voicelore, however, is somewhere in between the two extremes.

Altering the Canon of HATA

Toby has frequently accused Remy of reporting news and writing HATApedia articles based on what the Voices tell him rather than based on canonical events.


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