The Night of Mischief, also occasionally known as the Night of Terror, as called by Remy, was a night during which several people did some mischievious stuff to Remy, kicked off by Holden's duck heist.
Duck Heist
On 2023-04-09, Holden attempted to kidnap a group of Scammingtonian ducks, including William Scamsworth. The Glorious Leader, after learning of this, intervened and apprehended Holden demanding that he complete his parole, which was to remove the mangrove trees from No, as per the terms set at the end of the Great Mangrove War.
When confronting Holden, the Glorious Leader was seen assaulting Holden, the perpetrator of the ducksnatching case, when he thought nobody was watching. Holden repeatedly stated that he was not resisting, but the Glorious Leader continued to punch him, later killing him as well.
I'm not resisting! I'm not resisting!
You don't need to file a lawsuit.
You already owe me a date.
Holden, at some point, managed to evade capture by Remyan authorities and twice escaped on escape vehicles driven by Arvi and Toby, who were later caught stealing more ducks from the animal pens in No.
The Remyan government claimed that the Night of Mischief, as it was later dubbed, caused "significant damage to public property" and "disrupted the peace of the community". The government subsequently declared a state of emergency, closing several areas for repairs and announcing plans to punish Arvi and Toby for their involvement in the night.
During an emergency meeting of the Duck Nest, the Villager Council, and Remyan military officials, the need for enhanced security measures was discussed. Top scientist of the Remy Republic, Leonard Pentagon, proposed funding research into strength syrup for clones and building a new laboratory in a new piece of territory to be known as Blocksburg, but MCP members disagreed on how to allocate funding.
The alliance between Toby's Tobytopia, Holden's Regime, and Arvi's Neville was given the name "the Allies of Tromos" by the Remyan government. The Glorious Leader then declaring the creation of the Allies of Asphaleia, which was touted as a counter to the Allies of Tromos. This growing polarisation between factions in the region raised concerns about future conflicts and their potential impact on the stability of the area.
Remy's Speech
The Glorious Leader made the following speech on 2023-04-10 regarding the events of the previous night.
Citizens of the Remy Republic,
An iron curtain has fallen upon us all. We have been misled by those we were led to trust. We have been beaten and bruised by those we thought were close to our hearts. We have been insulted by those who focus on harassing others rather than improving themselves. In short, we have been blindsided and betrayed.
As the leader of the Remy Republic, I shall not let these recent attacks go unnoticed. The Night of Mischief was the unfortunate warning the Remy Republic needed to wake up and better prepare ourselves. I promise you that we will build back better and stronger, and we will vanquish those who try to go against us.
This new gang of scallywags, the Allies of Tromos, will fall and get what they have been waiting for. Over the next few days, our government will band together and initiate a battle plan to combat the Tromos, and for the protection of the Remy Republic, the government will declare a state of emergency.
The Remyan military will be commanded to patrol and keep the Remy Republic safe. As a final warning, those who betray the family that is the Remy Republic during the state of emergency shall be punished in Remyan court. That is all I have to say. Thank you, and goodnight.