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Fast Food Chain

    • Published 2024-05-31
    • Updated 2024-06-01

KFV is a fast food chain that specialises in serving villagermeat-based meals. KFV officially stands for KFV Fried Villagermeat.


Billzoplace City

The first KFV in Billzoplace was built some time between 2023-02-22 and 2023-02-24.

The following is the menu at the Billzoplace branch of KFV.

kfv menu billzoplace.webp

Arvi is the Head Chef and Manager of KFV Operations in Billzoplace City.

kfv visit after gary poutine funeral.webp

Arvi taking orders from Toby, Billzo, and Remy, who decided to visit KFV after Gary Poutine's funeral.


The Tobytown branch of KFV entered the design stage and started construction some time in early October 2023, and it officially opened on 2023-10-13.


grand opening of tobytown kfv.webp

tobytown kfv visit 2024-05-26.webp

Billzo takes orders from Toby and Remy during their visit to KFV on 2024-05-26 as part of their vacation to revisit HATA 1 during the era of HATA 2.

Toby also attempted to do an armed robbery after this photo was taken, but was successfully gaslighted by Billzo into thinking that it doesn't make sense to do so because he owns this KFV.

Remy Republic

There were plans to build a branch of KFV in the Remy Republic, although with a slightly modified menu and differentgreen branding. One of the proposed names for this Remy Republic branch of KFV was to be Kale and Fried Veggis.

These plans have not come to fruition as of writing (2024-05-31).


Onsite Villager Breeder

KFV restaurants are built such that, while side dishes and drinks must be shipped in by supply logistics, the staple food of the restaurant franchise, villagermeat, can be produced and prepared on-site. This allows KFV restaurants to be self-sufficient in regards to villagermeat supplies and continue to operate to an acceptable minimum standard, even in the face of supply chain disruptions.

Below each KFV restaurant, a few dozen meters underground, is a villager breeder, which operates using two farmers, some beds, and a vegetable farm which is tended by the villagers in the breeder. When the villagers breed, the baby villager is placed into a water stream, and when it grows into an adult villager, it is sent up the water stream and placed into a holding chamber in the restaurant on the surface.

When the restaurant needs to restock on villagermeat to fulfill customers' orders, the person behind the counter immediately do so by killing the villagers in the holding chamber.

Development and Inspiration

KFV was not the first to use the onsite villager breeder idea to produce fresh and locally sourced villagermeat. It is not clear exactly who was the first, but the system employed by KFV does bear striking resemblance, and is most likely inspired by, the Larachibox in CheezSurv5.

The Larachibox in CheezSurv5 was a building where hungry players could obtain villagermeat by killing villagers in the holding chamber, quite similar to the modern system used by KFV. The villagers were gathered at the bottom of a small tube with a half-block gap that swords could swipe through, similar to some mob grinder designs.

Unlike the KFV design, the villagers were actually bred above in a crop farm and dropped down into the killing chamber. KFV, though it clearly took inspiration from the Larachibox, decided that it would be more practical to place the villager breeder underground, which would reduce noise pollution and reduce the required height of the building.


KFV is the official sponsor of HATA 2, and they also donated the nether portal at spawn in HATA 2. There is currently (2024-06-01) no KFV restaurant in HATA 2.


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