Press T

Polar Port

Arctic Pirate Town

    • Published 2024-03-15
    • Updated 2024-05-13

The Town of Polar Port is a province-level municipality in the HATA Piracy Corporation, located quite far from the Pirate mainland, to the southeast of the Untitled Mushroom Island, in the middle of the Trafficking Ocean where the cold ocean biome meets the frozen ocean biome.

The town was founded by Bill on 2024-01-10.

Polar Port 2024-01-10.webp


The town is quite isolated, with not much in terms of transporation links. It has a small dock for people arriving or leaving by boat, and it also has a nether portal whose hellside is connected to the Stone Brick Nether Road Network. A small tunnel through the iceberg at the back of the town is also available, built by Remy during his visit to Polar Port on 2024-01-11.

The other major building in the town is the governor's house, built by Bill on the day of the town's founding. The governor's house is built next to the glacier, and it houses the governor of the province-level municipality.


Governor Snowball the polar bear is the first and current Governor of Polar Port. Bill appointed Snowball to the position after Snowball wandered into the town and took interest in the governor house under construction.


Arctic Fox Trafficking

On 2024-02-11, Remy and Billzo went to Polar Port to traffic some foxes for the future Pirate zoo on the south side of the Untitled Mushroom Island. They travelled east from Polar Port, around the glacier (the tunnel was not built until after this adventure) and along the ice sheets, visiting a spruce taiga biome where they found some arctic foxes.

After much effort and several exhausting chases, the two of them managed to wrangle together around four[unverified] arctic foxes, placing them in boats (due to the inaccessibility of slimes and leads at the time) and intending them to transport them back to Polar Port. Rowing the boats off the elevated taiga biome and into the valley of a frozen river and through the polar bear infested shattered ice sheets, Remy and Billzo managed to move the foxes back to the town.

Unfortunately, one of Remy's foxes was viciously mauled to death by polar bears on the way. Remy named the surviving fox of his "Rascal" for its numerous antics and shenanigans.

The surviving foxes live in boats at the Polar Port dock. Governor Snowball, as a polar bear, is locked in his house to prevent him from harming the visiting foxes, who, at this time, cannot be moved to the zoo, due to the zoo remaining unconstructed.

Toby's Visit

Toby visited Polar Port on 2024-01-13, having expressed some interest in doing some building in the town, though Toby is yet to have built anything there as of writing.


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