Press T


First Season of HATA

    • Published 2024-04-18
    • Updated 2024-10-14

HATA 1, also spelled Hata 1 or hata1, also known as HATAsurv, contemporaneously referred to as simply HATA or Hata, even further back, originally known as HATAwar, was the first season of HATA.


HATAwar Era

HATA 1 first opened on 2022-12-02. It was originally intended as a war server, somewhat similar in spirit to the fictional and hypothetical "'"'"'"'"'"'"'"cheezsurvnations"'"'"'"'"'"'"'". It was to be a server where the members would build nations and fight, with their movement restricted within a 1000-block (diameter) world border centered on Spawn.

Members of HATA 1 were, generally speaking, quite scattered, living separately across the world. Some players, such as Toby and Arvi, tried to hide their bases, while others, such as Remy and Billzo made no attempt to do so.

HATAsurv Era

On 2023-06-21, HATA 1 officially transitioned from being a war server to a more regular style SMP, similar in spirit to CheezSurv.

The worldborder was changed from a 1000 block diameter, centered on spawn, to a 10,000 block diameter, centered on (0, 0). This change to the worldborder was briefly preceded by the Border Disorder.

An announcement made by Toby on 2023-06-20

Update to 1.20
On Wednesday, June 21 at 3pm HATAsurv (previously HATAwar) will open complete with the new Tails and Trails[sic] update.

That's right, HATAsurv. Hata has a brand new look complete with the brand new icon designed by [@Billzo].
Speaking of our wonderful artist and news reporter, we've had some change in administration with 3 promotions!! First off [@Anna] has been promoted to Member!! thanks so much for your service Anna, we've been super duper grateful for your 3 total messages on the server, and we hope you enjoy you're well needed rest. Second off I'd like to promote [@Billzo] to Admin!! Billzo has always been op'ed on the server and he really deserved this one. And last... since [@Remy] refused to give me Hawainot for it I guess he's a reporter now.

We also have new members [@Adam] and [@Jacky] and potentially Holden and Anna's friends once Holden asks them.

See you tomorrow HATA'ers!!!!



HATA 1 did not officially end, but activity on the server slowly fizzled out, and everyone started playing on HATA 2 instead when it opened on 2023-12-27.

The following is a map of the state of affairs on HATA 1 as of 2023-12-25.

2023-12-25 HATA 1 Map.webp


Links to HATA 1 from other articles in Hatapedia: