Press T

Media Outlets of the Remy Republic

    • Published 2024-08-16
    • Updated 2024-08-17


This article was written by Remy, and edited by Bill.

In the Remy Republic, there are four major media outlets: three newspapers and one magazine. The newspapers include Remy Republic News (RRN), Flufftail News, and Le No Gazette. FORGS Magazine is the most popular magazine publication of the Remy Republic. 


All four of these publications were created for the purpose of broadcasting the Remy Republic's stories and news to the HATA community while highlighting a Remyan perspective. This was because the God of News network, HATA's main news network, previously only allowed Billzo to write in the news channel. Toby denied Remy the ability to write in the news channel because Toby worried that Remy would write with a bias against Tobytopia. Remy was able to work around this by writing in a newspaper style Google Doc and sending it to Billzo as an image for him to post. Eventually, Remy was allowed to write in the God of News channel, but the classic newspaper style still pops up once in a while.

List of Outlets

Remy Republic News

Remy Republic News, or RRN, is the oldest of the three major newspaper publications headquartered in the Remy Republic. Its name may or may not be a reference to CNN. Remy Republic News was created so that Remyan news and events would be fully reported to HATA’s general public. RRN was also created on the basis of helping promote Remyan culture and highlighting areas in the nation that need improvement. While they spend a lot of time writing about the Slimeball Party, RRN says that they aim to remain unbiased in their portrayals of events and are not afraid to critique the Glorious Leader when they need to. It is said that they will be receiving a new headquarters in Hawainot very soon.

RRN is by far the most popular outlet of the Remy Republic, with nearly 67% of all Remyan citizens having a subscription. It is also one the most popular publications in all of HATA, sitting only behind God of News and FORGS Magazine.

Flufftail News

Flufftail News is the second oldest of the three major news publications in the Remy Republic. Its name is a reference to Fox News, where the word “flufftail” in Billzonian translates to the English word “fox”. Flufftail News was created by those strongly aligned with the Magma Cream Party as an avenue to publicly criticize The Glorious Leader. While a majority of Flufftail News’ pieces are attack pieces against the Glorious Leader, other articles include a summary of recent events in the Remy Republic. Flufftail News will be reviewing a new headquarters in Hawainot very soon, however many subscribers are petitioning to have it be built in New Mangrovia instead. 

Flufftail News is less popular than RRN in the Remy Republic, with only 28% of Remyan citizens being subscribers. Interestingly, a study found that 55% of Tobytopians surveyed were actually subscribed to this network. The study’s authors believe this to be because the Ultimate Kaiser of Doom 3000, Toby, is a huge fan of the paper for its criticism of RemyHemy, the Glorious Leader. 

Le No Gazette

Le No Gazette is the youngest of the three major news publications in the Remy Republic. Its name is inspired by the Montréal Gazette. It was created to promote and unite the voices of the province of No; as such, it mainly covers provincial news or how new Remyan regulations and laws will affect No. The Gazette is also the first and only fully French publication in the Remy Republic. This was done to help promote the French language in No; however, due to instability in the form of wars and conflicts in or around No (see: No#Wars), the Gazette has not been able to publish very many articles, and has therefore not been very successful in fulfilling its stated purpose of promoting the French language. The Gazette is the favourite newspaper of the Bloc Nobecois, as it often shares the same ideals with the party. The Gazette will be receiving a headquarters in No at some point, but it is unclear when this will be, due to other projects in the Remy Republic being higher priority. 

Le No Gazette - Entry 1 - 2023-02-20.webp

FORGS Magazine

While its focus is not on news per se, FORGS Magazine is the largest Remy Republic based publication in HATA with over 87% of all HATA citizens having a subscription. Its name is based on Peoples Magazine. FORGS Magazine was originally designed to help the Fortuguese community of Tobytopia and New Mangrovia engage with the ongoing events of the HATA World. Since its humble beginnings, FORGS has expanded, becoming an influential magazine publication filled with polls and list rankings regarding the HATA World. Some of their most notable publications include their rankings, based on a survey they ran, of the best places to live in HATA, as well as of each nation's happiness rankings. FORGS Magazine will have a headquarters built in Scammington but may also build offices in Billzoplace, Neville, and Tobytopia if their expansion plans are approved.