Remy Republic Transit, abbreviated as RRT, is a Remyan public transit agency, founded in 2023. It operates public transit services throughout the Remy Republic and in other countries that have applied to be part of the network.
The RRT divides its operations into three branches:
- HATArail, which operates the subway network, and is the only operational branch as of writing (2024-10-19);
- #HATAsail, which will operate the ferries; and
- #Ember Rail, which will operate the Nether Rail Network (NRN).
The RRT has no physical office as of writing (2024-10-19), but the Remy Republic has plans to build one in Hawainot.
Remy Republic Transit was founded by the Remy Republic in 2023.
With the recent expansion of the Remy Republic facilitated by the Border Disorder, the Glorious Leader of the Remy Republic, Remy, believed it would be essential for the Remy Republic to develop a system of public transit. His motive was to unite the Remy Republic by connecting it with "an iron belt" to make travel easier.
Construction of the Subway Network
Additionally, Billzo was a major proponent of building public transit and backed Remy in his idea. Billzo also requested for Billzoplace to be made part of the subway network, to which Remy agreed.
Due to the immense amount of materials needed for the construction of the subway network, progress was and remains slow. Although the original plan is still yet to be fully realised, numerous HATArail stations have been built and are operational as of writing (2024-10-19).
The Hocus Pocus fare system is currently not operational as of writing (2024-10-19).
Though not yet operational, there are plans for passengers of the RRT network to be able to pay for their journeys by tapping their Hocus Pocus cards. The plans also stipulate that Remy Republic citizens will be granted a fare discount which applies to all branches of the RRT.
Main article: HATArail
HATAsail is the branch of the RRT which is to operate the ferry routes, conceptualised as a way to make use of the vast waters near the Remy Republic and provide transit via ferry. While there hasn’t been much development, the RRT has published the map below, which shows the original planned ferry docks locations and routes.
Since the publication of the map, however, more development has occurred elsewhere, and the routes will be adjusted before construction begins. Additionally, a third ferry line has been proposed that would take travellers across the Remy Sea and to many islands and coastal settlements in and along the shores of the Mediterraneanot Ocean.
Ember Rail
Ember Rail is the branch of the RRT that will operate the Nether Rail Network (NRN). Ember Rail's aim is to connect locations in the Remy Republic and elsewhere by minecart tracks built in the Nether.
While no plans have been formally drawn out, the following places have been approved to have stations:
There are also other destinations currently (2024-10-19) under consideration, including:
- Billzoplace
- the Untitled Jungle Island
- Tobytown
- Layon
- the International Iron Farm Territory
- Lilypad Pond.
Ember Rail employees are said to go through advanced training in order to deal with the Nether’s extreme conditions and provide the most optimal service.