Roasting with Remy is an upcoming Pirate reality cooking show hosted by renowned pogstrie chef, Remy. The show was announced on 2024-02-17 after Billzo built a kitchen around the supersmelter that he had just built on the second floor of the Pirate warehouse.
The kitchen was built after Remy suggested the idea of him hosting a cooking show in the warehouse. Billzo decided, after seeing this suggestion, to build the kitchen. He asked Remy what he needed for the cooking show, to which Remy replied that he simply needed a stove, a fridge, and a kitchen island. Billzo decided to build more than just this, spending much of the rest of the day working on building and detailing the kitchen.
It was while the kitchen was being built that Billzo placed a sign on the front side of the kitchen island, writing, on it, what since became the alliterative title of the show: Roasting with Remy.
Remy's kitchen includes access to the supersmelter (AKA Remy's Railable Pogstrie Oven), a stove, a cupboard, a fridge, a sink, and a kitchen island.