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Order 66 Spawn Egg

One of Remy's Unfair Advantages

    • Published 2024-03-31
    • Updated 2024-03-31

Order 66 spawn eggs, also known as order 66 eggs or clone trooper spawn eggs, are an item that allows the user to spawn a pillagerRemyan Clone Trooper, holding a crossbow in its mainhand, explosive fireworks in its left hand, and wearing a Remyan banner on its head. These spawn eggs were occasionally given to Remy who could spawn them on his own, but Remy could also sometimes ask Billzo to use the same spawn eggs to spawn these clone troopers.

These clone troopers, although they wear the Remyan banner on their heads, are not actually loyal to Remy. They appear to simply target whoever is closest to them when they are spawned, which often leads to Remy getting shot by his own clone troopers when he attempts to spawn them on someone else. This is regarded by the Laughs as well as the Writers of Hatapedia as something extremely funny.

Item Data

The following is a /give command, tested to work in 1.20.4, that will spawn in a stack of Order 66 spawn eggs as seen on HATA.

give @p pillager_spawn_egg{display: {Name: '{"text":"Order 66","color":"light_purple"}'}, EntityTag: {ArmorItems: [{}, {}, {id: "minecraft:leather_chestplate", tag: {display: {color: 16777215}}, Count: 1b}, {id: "minecraft:white_banner", tag: {BlockEntityTag: {Patterns: [{Pattern: "mr", Color: 10}, {Pattern: "hhb", Color: 4}, {Pattern: "tts", Color: 3}]}}, Count: 1b}], DeathLootTable: "no_loot_table_pls", Tags: ["66"], HandItems: [{id: "minecraft:crossbow", tag: {display: {Name: '{"text":"Remyan Clone Trooper Blaster","color":"light_purple"}'}, Enchantments: [{id: "minecraft:quick_charge", lvl: 5s}], Unbreakable: 1b}, Count: 1b}, {id: "minecraft:firework_rocket", tag: {Fireworks: {Flight: 2b, Explosions: [{Type: 4, Colors: [I; 16711680]}, {Type: 4, Colors: [I; 16711680]}, {Type: 4, Colors: [I; 16711680]}, {Type: 4, Colors: [I; 16711680], FadeColors: [I; 16764247]}, {Type: 4, Colors: [I; 16711680], FadeColors: [I; 16764247]}, {Type: 0, FadeColors: [I; 16764247], Colors: [I; 16711680], Flicker: 1b}]}, Enchantments: [{}]}, Count: 127b}], ArmorDropChances: [0.085f, 0.085f, 0.085f, 0.0f], HandDropChances: [0.0f, 0.0f], AbsorptionAmount: 20.0f, CustomName: '{"text":"Remyan Clone Trooper"}', Attributes: [{Name: "generic.armor", Base: 20}]}} 64

It is worth noting that the data on these spawn eggs are not exactly the same as the originals: the originals had DeathLootTable: "no loot table pls" where the version here has DeathLootTable: "no_loot_table_pls" because having spaces in the loot table did not cause problems originally but causes the pillager to fail to spawn in Minecraft 1.20.4.


i don't remember why i made these for remy

Notable Appearances


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