Press T

Operation Yellow Brick Road

Remyan Military Plan

    • Published 2023-07-08
    • Updated 2024-06-01

Operation Yellow Brick Road was a secret Remyan plan during the Mushroom War, drawn up by Remy, which he ordered Fletcher Quadratic to execute if his attempt to take over the Archie Bridge failed.

Details about the plan are not publicly known, though the plan did involve Quadratic carrying out an invasion of Layon, taking his troops from Hawainot southward and eastward across the ocean to reach the city.

The plan was never used, as Remy's invasion of Archie Bridge was successful, and the Mushroom War came to an end before the plan was needed.

The codename of the operation is most likely a reference to the commonly seen build theme "Yellow Brick Road" from Hypixel's Guess the Build.


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